


We were able to introduce multiple mechanics into our game instead of just one, which corresponds to each level. We also created our own sprites and game art ourselves which we had no experience with prior to the assignment. We also were able to get the game working and remove all the bugs we had encountered prior to finishing. 


For our demo we did not have all the functioning mechanics for the playtesting during class, which didn’t allow us to get much feedback on the actual gameplay of our game, but we received positive responses on the visual style of our level and the concept of our game. During the development process we also ran into the trouble of some parts of the game working on some people’s machines and not on other’s, which made collaborating a bit more difficult. 

Lessons learned:

Collaboration on the game was tougher than expected in the beginning, with trying to figure out how to divide the work, and also how to share it whether on Bitbucket or on Unity Organization Collaboration, and who would work on which levels. We also learned that for future projects it’s important to think about the smaller details for the game, such as sounds, music, and other small details.

Next Steps: 

  If we were to do a final polish on this game, it would be good to add accessibility features such as subtitles or even a tutorial for the game, as well as game difficulties ranging from easy to difficult. Also, since our game concept revolves around the elements and a main character who uses all of them, a story mode or subplot would be interesting and could engage the player more into our game. 

Get Elemental Fury

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